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Author: Michael Wren

Grindleford Goat Charity

Grindleford Goat Charity

We are very pleased to announce the Grindleford Goat Charity is now open for bids. The latest edition of The Grindleford News will carry an article explaining who we are, what we are about and how we hope to benefit residents of the Parish of Grindleford, including community groups that work and play within our environs. Have a look at our Goat webpage for full details:

Updated Website

Updated Website

I have been asked to look after the village website. The first thing that struck me was that it had a lot of out of date information on it. The second is that things have changed since the website was first set up. News is now more likely to be shared on Facebook or Whatsapp and many of the village organisations now have their own websites. I see the website as being a point of reference for people wanting to find out about the village. As such, it is important that the information is reliable and up to date and I am in the process of going through the content to bring it up to date.

In addition to this, I am aiming to simplify the design and introduce a range of new security features. One of these is to replace visible email addresses with links to code that will call your email program.

If you have up to date information that you would like adding or news, please email us:

New Shop Management Team

New Shop Management Team

A new management team has taken over at the community shop. Kaori Carter and Fiona Outram are now managing the shop on a job share basis. They are taking over from Peter Ragdale who has managed the shop with great success for the two and a half years. Peter will be continuing to volunteer at the shop and, no doubt, giving support to the new team.